NFSI K-12 PTSO Board Descriptions


The Presidents will direct the affairs of the PTSO in cooperation with the other officers of the PTSO Board. The Presidents schedule monthly PTSO Board and community meetings (5 of each per year), create the PTSO Board meeting agenda, facilitate the PTSO meetings and act on behalf of the PTSO in urgent matters arising between meetings. The Presidents serve as the primary contact for the Elementary Principal, usually meeting once per month. The Presidents are familiar with all the by-laws and oversee compliance with them. The Presidents coordinate the work of all PTSO Board officers and Committees so that the PTSO objectives are met.  The Presidents see that orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect.  The Presidents manage school activities such as Kinder Social, Open House, Kinder Information Night and Open House, Conferences, etc.


The Vice-Presidents are prepared to perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve. The Vice Presidents are volunteer coordinators for the PTSO and responsible for coordinating volunteer requests through Sign-Up Genius. The Vice-Presidents are responsible for reviewing bank statements each month before they are filed.


The Treasurers have custody of the PTSO funds and are responsible for maintaining a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures. The Treasurers deposit money, drafts and checks in the name of, and to the credit of, the PTSO as well as make disbursements as authorized by the Presidents, Board, to PTSO in accordance with the budget.   The Treasurers prepare monthly financial reports to be presented at the Board meetings and community meetings.    The Treasurers prepare an annual report on the financial condition of the PTSO.   The Treasurers prepare the appropriate tax returns and other documentation necessary for the maintenance of the PTSO’s non-profit, tax-exempt status.


The Secretaries are responsible for keeping accurate records of all of the proceedings of the PTSO, taking and recording minutes and providing copies of the minutes to each Board Member within one week following a PTSO Board or community meeting, preparing the agenda of PTSO community meetings in conjunction with the President, preparing sign-in sheets for each community meeting.  Secretaries are also responsible for keeping a current copy of the bylaws, rules, and procedures.   The Secretaries work with the Communications Co-Chairs to maintain the online school directory.

Co-Fundraising Chairs

The Fundraising Chairs act as a liaison between the Board and fundraising volunteers.   They manage the two main community fundraising events – Read-A-Thon and Fiesta.    They coordinate with the volunteers who manage fundraising for the Spain and Concordia trips.

Co-Communications Chairs

The Communications Chairs manage all communications of the PTSO.   They coordinate information for the weekly newsletter, and any other communication deemed necessary by the Board.   The Communications Chairs also manage social media such as the PTSO’s Facebook page.

Co-LA Coordinators

The LA Coordinators work in collaboration with the academic administration to coordinate and oversee the Language Ambassador (LA) program.   The LA Coordinators act as a liaison between the Board and the LA volunteer committees (e.g. for host family recruitment, rides).

Co-Advocacy and Outreach (K-12) Chairs

The K-12 Chairs develop relationships with school board members and administrators. They attend monthly meetings with the 3 Principals and district representatives to identify emerging issues for the K-12 immersion pathway. The K-12 Chairs lead the influence of policy that affects the K-12 immersion pathway and share regular updates with the PTSO Board.